While we at eMI are all for cosmetic treatments that reduce the signs of aging, we believe in a holistic approach. Aging well is a combination of art and science. Aging is complex, to say the least, depending on so many environmental and biological factors. From your lifestyle to genetics, your aging process is as unique as you are. However, there are a few tried and true things we can do to help reduce premature skin aging. How many can you do today?

Protect your skin from the sun. Everyday. Yes, everyday. Whether you’re on the beach or just running errands, wear an SPF of 30 or higher. Wear a hat, UPF protective clothing. Sit in the shade. The amount of protection you need is unique to your skin tone, genetics, and lifestyle. But all of us need some form everyday. Sun protection is one of the most important ways you can slow the signs of aging, from wrinkles to sun spots.
Hydrate. Your body is over half water. That’s right, more than half of you is H2O. While there’s so many health benefits to drinking enough water each day, younger, brighter skin may be one you didn’t know. Dehydrated skin will look visibly parched and duller. And water is a key building block of collagen. Hydrating from within will supply your skin, the largest organ of your body, with tools to keep your skin looking more supple and elastic.
Get your beauty sleep. Your mother was right when she told you about beauty rest. Your body needs quality sleep to do its job, and plenty of it. If you’re not getting the recommended 7-9 hours on average a night, you’re depriving your body of one of its greatest anti-aging tools. Just think about the way your face looks after pulling an all-nighter: puffy eyes, dark under-eye circles, drooping eyelids. Now multiply that by consistently bad sleep habits, and you’ve got a recipe for accelerated signs of aging.
Stand up straight. More wisdom from your mother, but it’s true. Good posture is an easy way to look younger. Think about the image of the stooped over old-lady from your childrens’ stories and fables. At the end of the day, it’s really just physics. The straighter you stand, the thinner and more elongated your body will look- two characteristics of youth.
Perfect your skin routine. A consistent anti-aging facial skin routine is the foundation of your skin aging plan. No need for budget-breaking creams and serums, there’s great products out there at every price range. The key is consistency… and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. A great topical moisturizer is your skin’s best friend.
Don't smoke. Of course smoking is bad for you on so many levels, but it’s a disaster for your skin. Not only does the continual muscle usage of puffing away cause premature deep lines and wrinkles around the lips, smoking can make your skin look dull and sallow. Studies have shown that nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes can even impact the molecular makeup of your skin cells that control elasticity. Ahhh!
Drink less alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it dehydrates you. Hydration is key for the elasticity, texture and tone of your skin. Furthermore, excessive alcohol use can deplete key vitamins, such as Vitamin A, that affect collagen production. Drink in moderation.
Keep it moving. We all know that exercise is a cornerstone of physical and mental well being, but it’s also great for your skin. Even moderate exercise can increase your circulation, which can help give you a more youthful appearance.
You are what you eat. Every year, we discover more and more about the connection between the food we eat and our overall health. Our skin is no different. A healthy diet is key to healthy skin. While there are tons of studies and articles purporting this or that super-food, there’s no quick and easy fix. But, making sure you are eating a healthy diet with ample fruits and vegetables, foods high in vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, can help you slow down the visible signs of aging.
Brighten that smile. We don’t often think about our teeth when we think of aging, but your smile can actually read young or old. Of course, great oral hygiene is key to maintaining your smile. Two big things happen in our mouth as we age: our teeth yellow and our gums recede. This can be due to diet, lifestyle and even genetics which can impact the erosion of tooth enamel. Don’t neglect your smile.