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Botox© is a non-surgical procedure that focuses on the wrinkle areas. Each injectable has a primary active ingredient called Botulinum Toxin A, which blocks the nerve impulses of muscles and temporarily weakens the muscle movements (which ultimately causes wrinkles). 

Treatment areas

Forehead lines
Scowl lines

Bunny lines

Crows feet

Lip lines

Brow lift​


Botox© usually lasts 3-4 months


No recovery period

During Botox© treatment, the esthetician injects the muscles with the neurotoxin to stop muscle activity temporarily. This pause in muscle movement helps reduce or remove fine lines and wrinkles by enabling the skin to naturally renew itself. Results from the procedure begin to appear a few days.


When should you consider Botox©?

There is no specific age as everyone’s skin is different and everyone has different concerns. But, some choose to start with neurotoxins at a younger age as a preventative injectable in order to prevent lines from becoming ingrained (and ultimately harder to reduce/remove). 

Simulate how you would look 
with Botox©

With just a few simple steps,  you can visualize your desired look.

1. Click here to try out the FREE AI simulator

2. Take a selfie, following the picture-taking guidelines

3. Fill in your information 

4. See your predicted simulation (you can easily adjust the level of treatment using the slider)

AI Simulator before and after
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