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And Just Like That… Facial Treatments are Mainstream

Did Sex and the City bring facial treatments into the spotlight?

Warning! Spoiler Alert: Seasons 1 and 2 of And Just Like That discussed.

Have you been watching the Sex and the City reboot ‘And Just Like That’? If so, aside from the fabulous wardrobe and classic New York city scenery, you might have noticed something else on your screen- cosmetic facial work! After years of espousing the ‘age naturally’ Hollywood duplicitous messaging, the ladies of Sex and the City have embraced cosmetic injectables in a very public way. On screen, we see tons of big references that make it into the storyline, like when Carrie has the ambushed consultation at Anthony’s appointment or Bitsy’s ‘100,000 dollar’ facelift.

The fictional bleeds into the real as the show’s lead actresses have been discussing their thoughts on aesthetic fine-tuning in a very public way. Whether in the Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Times, People Magazine or on Page Six, And Just Like That stars Sara Jessica Parker, Kristen Davis and even the elusive Kim Catrell have now openly discussed their Botox and Filler treatments.

For over 25 years, this franchise has been a controversial commentary on the lives of women in America. From firmly espousing a woman’s natural desire and right to ‘have sex like a man,’ pursue a career over love, or prioritize female friendships over dating, so many of the modern day cultural archetypes of women were solidified in this groundbreaking show. Now, with the very public and obvious embrace of facial non-surgical procedures, we will see the same widespread and deep-rooted cultural normalization of cosmetic injectables in women in their 50s in a new era right about the age old ageism plaguing women in the public space. The show, and the accompanying press tour, is doing much to break down the ingrained stigmas surrounding women and aging.

In an on air interview with Entertainment Tonight, Kristen Davis speaks of the shaming she felt for using fillers: “I think part of the reason that people are not more open is because there is such shaming put on you largely by other women.” On a recent episode of the Howard Stern Show, Sarah Jessica Parker reflected on the unfairness of the focus on women’s appearances in entertainment, especially after a certain age: “Even last year when we first went on the air with the new season, there was just so many endless articles about aging and aging gracefully, and ‘Sarah Jessica’s hair is gray.’”

Kim Cattrell, who was noticeably absent from the first season and is reported to make a cameo in the second, told the London Times: “I'm in my 60s now and I'm all about battling aging in every way I can. There are fillers, Botox, there’s so many different things that you can investigate and try and see if it’s for you.”

With some of the most famous women in the entertainment industry proudly supporting botox and fillers, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be openly talking about it too. Join our online community eMI to chart your aesthetic journey. Use our patented AI Simulator to visualize your post-treatment results, find out more about treatment options, and locate and book a free consultation with the highest rated professionals near you. If the ladies who brought us the Cosmo and the Manolo can talk about it, you can too!


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